Walking into the Unknown of Holy Ghost Stories with Justin Gerhardt — Can I Say This At Church Podcast

Walking into the Unknown of Holy Ghost Stories with Justin Gerhardt

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Bible stories are...a bit weird aren't they? We gloss them over and sanitize them without thinking and at the same time rob the purpose. What happens when we engage with them, intentionally, with a small group of those closest to us?

Guest Bio:

Justin Gerhardt is the creator of the podcast Holy Ghost Stories—an episodic, immersive telling of the stories of the Old Testament with an emphasis on character and craft. He serves as the founder and president of Hazefire Studios, a nonprofit devoted to expanding the intersection of story and worship.

After studying philosophy and Biblical studies, Justin served for 20 years as a senior pastor and preacher before beginning a 2-year-long season of global nomadism with his family, working alongside churches in England, Croatia, Ireland, and South Africa. He and his wife, author JL Gerhardt, lead The Storied Family, a parenting workshop to help families discover their identity and purpose in the context of God’s story. Every other week, he publishes “The Latest,” a newsletter devoted to his newest projects and discoveries.

Guest Music by The Silver Pages

-Additional music from Holy Ghost Stories include:

• Winds of Change, by Four Trees

• Searching the Unknown, by Alistair Sung

• Long Distance, by Luke Atencio

• Onward, by Chelsea McGough

• Sleep, by Stephen Keech

• Narrow Time, by Chelsea McGough

• Haunted Romance, by Moments 

• Wir-Sind-Gleich, by Tony Anderson

• As Dusk Descends, by Wicked Cinema

• Exclusion Zone, by Hill

• Legend Tells, by Cody Martin

• What Is Not Dead, by Third Age

• Siren Song, by Chelsea McGough

• Afterwards, by Chelsea McGough

You can also find all the musical selections from all our episodes on our Spotify Playlist. 

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