Empire, Justice, and Romans with Sylvia Keesmaat and Brian Walsh — Can I Say This At Church Podcast

Empire, Justice, and Romans with Sylvia Keesmaat and Brian Walsh

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A discussion of the Church in Rome, the Apostle Paul, and how his words have shaped us today--for good or for worse.


Sylvia C. Keesmaat is adjunct professor of biblical studies at Trinity College and Wycliffe College in Toronto, Ontario, and biblical scholar in residence at St. James Anglican Church in Fenelon Falls. She is the author of Paul and His Story: (Re)Interpreting the Exodus Tradition, editor of The Advent of Justice, and coauthor, with Brian Walsh, of Colossians Remixed: Subverting the Empire. Keesmaat and Walsh live on an off-grid permaculture farm in Cameron, Ontario, with a fluctuating number of animals and people.

Brian J. Walsh serves as a Christian Reformed campus minister at the University of Toronto and is an adjunct professor of theology at Trinity College and Wycliffe College in Toronto, Ontario. He has written numerous books, including Kicking at the Darkness: Bruce Cockburn and the Christian Imagination, The Transforming Vision, and Truth Is Stranger Than It Used to Be. He is the coauthor, with Sylvia Keesmaat, of Colossians Remixed: Subverting the Empire. Walsh and Keesmaat live on a solar-powered permaculture farm in Cameron, Ontario.

LInks: Empire Remixed

Guest Music by Salt of the Sound

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