Biblical Inerrancy with Jared Byas — Can I Say This At Church Podcast

Biblical Inerrancy with Jared Byas

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Is the Bible inerrant? This is a huge question and one that matters for our faith. If it's not what does this do for authority and how should we read it? 

Jared studied under Dr. Peter Enns in the early 2000s, he was also a teaching pastor and professor near Philadelphia, teaching courses and developing curricula in philosophy, ethics, & biblical studies. In 2011 he launched a creative solutions company and in 2013 had the opportunity to partner with an old friend to launch Experience Institute, an experience-based graduate program in Chicago.

Somewhere in there dictatorial Dr. Peter Enns became a dear friend and in 2012, Jared had the privilege, with Pete, to co-author Genesis for Normal People. Now, he writes regularly on because Pete clearly needed a celebrity with a huge platform to help boost page views. Pete and Jared have also started a podcast called The Bible For Normal People, which is well worth your listen. You can follow Jared on Facebook or on Twitter at @jbyas.

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