Fulfillment and God with Matt Tipton (Patreon Convos Part 3)

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I've said it before and I'll say it again. Patrons make this show a thing and I love the conversations I get to have with them. Everyone has a story and they are all beautiful. 

Guest Bio:

Matt loves to create music and does so whenever he has free time or is inspired. He is passionate about the process of producing an album from scratch and seeing it come to fruition. He has been writing and producing music since he was 16. After 20 years of doing this, Matt doesn't see any reason for stopping but every album he puts together only fuels his passionate to write more. 

Guest Links:

Web, YouTube, Bandcamp, Facebook, Instagram

Music this week by Matt Tipton

You can also find all the musical selections from all our episodes on our Spotify Playlist. 

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